
Sunday, 11 August 2013

method of memorizing the Quran



Something is most entitled to memorize the Qur'an, because the Qur'an is the Word of God, Muslims living guidance, resources from all sources of law, and reading most often repeated by people. By this reason, a seeker of knowledge let put Qur'an memorization as its main priority. Imam Nawawi said: "First thing (which should be observed by a seeker of knowledge) is to memorize the Qur'an, for it is knowledge that is important, but not the Salaf scholars will teach hadith and fiqh except for one who has memorized the Koran. If you have memorized the Quran never menyibukan to the hadith and fikih or other material, because it will result in loss of part or even the entire Quran memorization. "(Imam Nawawi, Al Majmu ', (Beirut, Dar Al Fikri, 1996) Cet. Firstly, Juz: I, p: 66))

Below are some effective steps to memorize the Qur'an mentioned the scholars, include the following:

Step One: The first time a person who wants to memorize Al Qur'am let sincere intention only because God alone. In good faith, then God will help you and keep you from feeling lazy and bored. A sincere intended employment, usually will continue and not stop. Different if only his intention to pursue the test material or just want to follow the race, or for the other.

Step Two: Will after that, he did some wish to ask God to be simplified in memorizing the Qur'an. Wish prayer time is not specified and doa'anyapun delivered to each personally. It is as diriwayat Hudhayfah ra, who said:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا حزبه أمر صلى

"Behold Rosulullah saw they face a problem that he has to perform prayers. "

Step Three: Continuous prayers to memorize the Qur'an.

This prayer was not in the hadith, but a Muslim can pray according to ability and language respectively. Maybe you can pray something like this:

اللهم وفقني لحفظ القرآن الكريم ورزقني تلاوته أناء الليل وأطراف النهار على الوجه الذي يرضيك عنا يا أرحم الراحمين.

"O Allah, give me guidance to be able to memorize the Qur'an, and give me the strength to continue to read day and night and in accordance with guidance ridhal You, O Most Merciful".

Step Four: Determine one of the method to memorize the Qur'an. Actually a great many methods that can be used to memorize the Qur'an, Each person will take the appropriate method by itself. But here only mentioned two methods are often used by many parties, and proved to be very effective:

First method: Memorize per one page (using the Mushaf Madinah). We read a sheet that we want to memorize as much as three or five times as true, then we are just beginning to memorize. Having memorized a sheet, then we moved to the next sheet in the same way. And not to move to the next page unless repeat pages we have previously memorized. For example: if we had to memorize a sheet and then we continue on sheet two, then before memorizing pages of third, we must repeat the previous two pages. Then before memorizing pages of the fourth, we must reiterate that we have three pages memorized. Then before memorize yard fifth, we must reiterate that we have four pages memorized. So, every day we repeat the five pages: a new, four old ones. If we want to memorize pages of the sixth, then we must repeat the first four previous page, that page two, three, four and five. To page one we lived before, because it terulangi five times. If we want to memorize the seven pages, then we must repeat the first four previous page, that page three, four, five, and six. To page one and two we lived before, because it terulangi five times, and so forth.

It should be noted also, each of us memorize one page a sentence should be added at the next page, so that we can connect the memorization of one page to the next page.

Second method: Memorize per-sentence, that sentence would read us a memorized three or five times as true, after that, we had to memorize the verse. Once done, we move on to the next sentence in the same way, and the next begiu up one page. But before moving on to the next verse we must repeat what we already know by heart from the previous sentence. After one page, then we repeat it as described in the first method.

To facilitate memorization, we can divide the Quran into seven Hizb (section):

Surat Al Baqarah up letter Nisa '
Surat Al Maidah up letter At Tawbah
Surat Surat An Nahl Jonah up
Surat Al Isra 'to Al Furqan
As Syuara letter 'reach Yasin Letter
As Shoffat letter reached Surat Al Hujurat
An Letter Qaf letter until Nas
Can also be started from the last part that is from Surat An Nas Letter Qaf up, then went on the sixth, and so on.

Step Five: Improving Reading.

Before starting to memorize, we must improve the reading of the Qur'an to fit fluently. Reading improvement includes several things, including:

a / Improve Makhroj letter. Like letters (dzal) do not read (Zal), or letter (TSA) do not read (sa ') as the example below:

ثم -> سم / الذين -> الزين

b / Improve Harakat letter. As found in the verses below:

1 / وإذ ابتلىإبراهيم ربه بكلمات (البقرة: 124) ->) إبراهيم (

2 / وكنت عليهم شهيدا ما دمت فيهم فلما توفيتنيكنت أنت الرقيب عليهم (المائدة: 116)

وكنت <---> كنت

3 / أفمن يهدي إلى الحق أحق أنيتبع أم من لا يهدي إلا أن يهدى (ونس: 35) -> أم من لا يهدي

4 / ربنا أرنا الذين أضلانا منالجن والإنس (فصلت: 29) -> الذين

5 / فكان عاقبتهما أنهما فيالنار خالدين فيها وذلك جزاء الظالمين (الحشر: 17) -> خالدين فيها

Sixth step: To support that good reading, let memorization is, we setorkan to others, so that the permit if we are reading it wrong. Occasionally, when memorizing itself often goes wrong in our reading, because we never sends his memorization us to others, so the offense continues to get carried away in our memorization, and we memorize the readings for years without knowing that it was wrong, until the finally listened tells other offense.

Step seven: Another factor that we read good and not wrong, is expanding the tapes to listen to the Qur'an recitation from sheikh murattal sustainable in reading. Kalu can, not just simply listen while doing other jobs, but listen very seriously and regularly. FYI, lately - thank God - many telivisi-telelivisi parabolic direct broadcast murattal Quran lessons from a sustainable sheikh, among which was a television event Iqra '. Every week there is a live broadcast of the Qur'an lesson driven by Qari Sheikh Aiman ​​Ruysdi a 'sustainable and famous, we too can deposit your reading on the sheik's our late telpun. Recording of the event aired over every morning. In addition, there is also the channel "Al Majd", and other television channels. The events helped us in improving the reading of the Qur'an.

Step Eight: To strengthen memorization, let us reiterate that we have memorized pages as often as possible, lest we already feel memorize one page, then we live in a tempo that memorization is long, it will cause the loss of memorization. Narrated that Imam Ibn Abi Hatim, a very famous hadith which hafalannya hafalannya loudly. At one point, it diulanginya memorize a book and many times, perhaps up to seventy times. Coincidentally, in the house there is an old lady. Because he often repeat hafalannya, reach granny is tired of hearing it, then the grandmother called Ibn Abi Hatim and asked him: Son, what the hell are you doing? "I was memorizing a book", she replied. The grandmother said: "I do not do not like it, I just had memorized the book just by listening hafalanmu.". "If so, I'd love to hear hafalanmu" said Ibn Abi Hatim, and granny is from issue hafalannya. After passing a year-long event, Ibn Abi Hatim came back to the grandmother and the grandmother requested that memorization menngulangi already dihafalnya a year ago, it appears the grandmother had not memorized at all about the book, and vice versa Ibn Abi Hatim, no one hafalannya who forget. This story shows that repeat memorization is important. Maybe if a lot of people memorisation can do it quickly, as last grandparent. Yet we often hear someone can memorize the Qur'an in a matter of weeks or a matter of months, and it was not too difficult, but the secret is to maintain a continuous rote and repeat.

Ninth step: Another factor that strengthens the whole memorization is using senses we possess. Meaning we memorize not only with the eyes alone, but coupled with oral reading with us, and if we should continue by writing it into the book or board. This helps to memorize one. Have some friends from Marokko which tells that the way to memorize the Qur'an adopted in some districts in Marokko is to write on the board subrecitation  held by each student, after they could memorize by rote, the new text will be washed with water.

Tenth step: Memorize a teacher.

Memorizing Quran to a sustainable teacher and member of the Qur'an is very necessary that a person can memorize well and true. Rosulullah memorize the Qur'an's own with Gabriel, and again in katam Ramadlan up twice.

Eleventh Step: Using one type of Mushaf Al Quran and never move from one type to the lainnya.Karena Mushaf our eyes will follow memorize what we see. If we see a sentence of more than one position, it is clear that we would blur memorization. This problem, already dihimbau by one poet in his writings:

العين تحفظ قبل الأذن ما تبصر فاختر لنفسك مصحف عمرك الباقي.

"Eyes will memorize what he saw-by-ear, then choose a Mushaf to you for life."

Mushaf type contemplated here is a model of writing Mushaf. There are several models of writing Mushaf, which are: Madinah Mushaf or Qur'an famous corner, a section of the Koran from the Mushaf consists of 10 pieces, 20 pages, 8 Hizb, and each page begins with a new sentence. Mushaf Madinah (Mushaf Corner) is the most widely worn by pengahafal Qur'an, many go around by the congregation of the regime to the pilgrimage. Print-print of the Qur'an now refer to this model as the Mushaf. And shape of this Mushaf best to wear memorize the Qur'an.

There are other models, such as the Qur'an Mushaf worn by some of the Egyptians, there is also Mushaf sebagain worn by people of Pakistan and India, but there are models that are worn by some of the Mushaf boarding school in Indonesia tahfidh Qur'an printed by Manar Spirit, Demak.

Twelfth Step: Choose the right time to memorize, and is subject to their own private. But in a hadist narrated by Abu Huraira, narrated that Rosulullah he said:

إن الدين يسر, ولن يشاد الدين أحد إلا غلبه, فسددوا وقاربوا و أبشروا, واستعينوا بالغدوة والروحة وشئ من الدلجة

"Religion is easy, and nothing in this religious compound except he will accomplish itself, therefore, is the true practice of religion, the plans, and give good news, and use morning, noon and night (for prayers)" (Narrated by Bukhari)

In the above mentioned hadist morning, day and night, which means we can use these times to memorize the Qur'an. For example: in the morning, after the dawn prayer till the rising of the sun, could we use to memorize the Holy Quran memorization or to repeat, the day day, exhausted dluhur praying, praying Ashar evening, exhausted, finished the night Isha prayers' or when did some tahajud and beyond.

Thirteenth Step: One of the very right time to do rote repetition is the time when working on-praying sunnah prayers, both at the mosque or at home. This is because the prayer time, a person is facing Allah concentration, and concentration is what helps us in repeating rote. Out differently when praying, someone prone to tired to be in a position, it's like always on the move, sometimes his eyes peek right or left, or head will peek when there is something interesting, or even be approached and invited his friends to chat. In contrast, if a person is praying, his importance to him-that have been forced to wait for the completion of prayers and did not dare to approach, and so forth.

Fourteenth step: One of the factors that support the memorization is noticed similar signs (mutasyabih). Usually a person who does not observe similar sentences (mutasyabih), hafalannya will overlap with each other. Sentences in five juz juz example will carry over ten. Sentences properly in Surat Al-Maidah letter will carry over to the Al-Baqara, and so forth. Below are some examples of similar sentences (mutasyabihah) the person committed the offense while often memorized:

-) وما أهل به لغير الله (البقرة 173 <---->) وما أهل لغير الله به) المائدة 3, والأنعام 145, 115 و النحل

- (ذلك بأنهم كانوا يكفرون بآيات الله ويقتلون النبيين بغير الحق) البقرة: 61

(إن الذين يكفرون بآيات الله ويقتلون النبيين بغير حق) آل عمران: 21

(ذلك بأنهم كانوا يكفرون بآيات الله ويقتلون الأنبياء بغير حق) آل عمرن: 112

To see mutasyabihat sentences like this can more thoroughly referenced book - the following books:

At Tanzil wa Duurat Ta'wil Ghurrat At Al Bayan fee Mutasyabihat verse mean Kitabillahi Al Aziz Al Khatib Al Kafi work.
At Tikrar fi Asrar Qur'an, works: Mahmud bin Hamzah Al Kirmany.
Mutasyabihat Qur'an, Abul Husain ibn al Munady
'Ar Rahman Aunu Hifdhi fees Qur'an, Abu Dhar Al Qalamuni work
Fifteenth Step: Having memorized the Qur'an, not to be left just like that. A lot of friends who already graduated from the Qur'an in one of the boarding school, having been out and busy with his studies higher, or when they get married or already busy on a job, she no longer has a program to keep hafalannya back, until Al Quran is dihafalnya several years in boarding ultimately only memories only. After a long and busy left to himself, he felt the weight to return hafalannya again. Phenomena like very much happened and it was very unfortunate indeed. It may be, it is to get a degree as a so called "Hafidh" or "hafidhah", but when asked about the memorization of the Qur'an, then the answer is nil.

The most important in this case is not to memorize, because many people can memorize the Qur'an in a very short time, but the most important is how we take care of in order to stay straight memorization in our chest. Herein lies the difference between people who are really steadfast to the only hard at the beginning. Because, to keep the Qur'an memorization required constancy and high Allaah. He should take time every day to repeat hafalannya. Many ways to keep memorization of the Qur'an, each choosing the best course for him. Among the ways to keep the memorization of the Qur'an is as follows:

Repeat rote prayers five times a day according to time. A Muslim would never leave praying five times a day, let this case be used to repeat hafalannya. So feel lighter, let every prayer be divided into two parts, before and after prayers. Before praying for example: i before adzan, and the time between adzan and iqamah. When he is hard-working people to the mosque, should go to the mosque before that time to repeat adzan hafalannya longer. Then after praying, that after reading the prayer or dhikr dhikr ba'da morning in prayer and after dzkir shubuh afternoon after prayers Ashar. If only, it is able to repeat the prayers of hafalannya before and after prayers fourth quarter juz juz too, then in one day he could repeat hafalannya two juz half. If you can stay steadfast like this, then he can menghatamkan hafalannya every twelve days, without seizing time at all. If he can complete a half juz praying every day at night or other sunnah prayers-prayers, then he can solve three juz every day, and can menghatamkan Qur'an once every ten days. Many previous scholars menghatamkan hafalannya every ten days.
There are some people who just repeat hafalannya at night, when she perform prayers tahajud. Usually he spends praying tahajudnya for two hours. We just do not know how the two-hour juz that it can get. According to the general measure, if hafalannya well, usually it can solve a juz in half an hour. Means that, for two hours until he could solve two minus three hours juz to prostrate and bow.
There are also some friends who repeat hafalannya by logging in and memorize the Qur'an Sheikhs. If halaqah is gathered every three days, and each participant is required to deposit hafalannya to his five juz means each of the participants' menghatamkan Qur'an once every fifteen days. This too can be done only if the respective masig hafalannya repeat participants on their own first.

Hadist narrated by Abu Daud (no: 1319), dishohihkan by Shaykh Al Bani in Shohih Sunan Abu Dawud, juz I, p. 361
To learn more about this degree can be referred to the hadith: Abu Omar Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Hamadi, Al Asinatu Al Musyri'atu fees Tahdhir At Solawat As Al Mubtadi'ah min, (Cairo, Maktabah At Tabi'in, 2002) Cet First , p. 97 -120
Ibid, hal.21-39
Abu Abdur Rahman Al Baz Taufiq, Ashal Nidham Li Hifdhi Qur'an, (Cairo, Maktabah Al Islamiya, 2002) Cet. The three, Hal. 13th
Ali ibn Umar Badhdah, Kaifa Tahfadu Qur'an, p. 6
Ibid. case 12
Abu Dhar Al Qalamuni, "Ar-Rahman fi Hifdhi Aunu Qur'an, (Cairo, Dar Ibn Al Haitsam, 1998) Cet First, hal.16
Abu Abdur Rahman Al Baz Taufiq, Op. Cit, Hal. 15th
Imam Nawawi, Al Majmu ', (Beirut, Dar Al Fikri, 1996) Cet. First, Juz: I, p: 66

source of :: http://www.santritahfidz.com/15-langkah-effektif-menghafal-al-quran/


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